Providing specialized services in the concrete cutting field through supplying skilled operators with the most up to date tools and equipment on the market.
Dixie uses a method called Ground Penetrating Radar, or GPR. GPR is commonly used to locate any voids or obstructions in a concrete structure.
Core Drilling is a process by which drilling round holes is completed in any concrete surface ranging from walls, slabs, ceilings, and much more.
At Dixie we specialize in all forms of concrete cutting such as Slab Sawing, Hand Sawing, Wall Sawing, Chain Sawing, and Wire Sawing.
Bollards are typically short posts used to create a barrier. When it’s time for these to go, Dixie can remove existing or damaged bollards as well as install new bollards.
Everyone likes to make a mess, but no one likes to clean it up. That’s where we come in with our breaking & removing services.
All employees are trained on an on-going basis on the latest techniques to prevent incidents and injuries.
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